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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Desperate Housewives Quotes

Desperate Housewives just ended but the lessons it gave us should not be consigned to oblivion. These are some of the unforgettable and meaningful Quotations from the TV Series.

ps. The new quotes are added on the top.

Sometimes, no matter how much we plan, things don't turn out the way we expect. a sterling reputation, may become tarnished. a clear explanation, might get messy.an ideal arrangement, could fall apart in a flash. and one person, may end up paying the price for a crime that everyone thought was shared.

This is one of those times, when the best thing you can do, is do nothing.

Yes, in life we all make plans, but sometimes, they don't turn out the way we expected.by trying to help out, we may damage a relationship,By attempting to reach out, we may push someone further away.By digging into the past, way may enrich our present. But then there are those who refuse to let go of their plans, no matter how badly they are turning out.

Sometimes, the low road is much easier to find

In our darkest moments, We all need someone who will listen. Some turn to friendly professionals. A few rely on those who are older and wiser. Others seek out Someone who knows what they're going through.But for most of us, Nothing is quite so therapeutic, As a good long talk with a few old friends.

The act itself is quite simple... You strip away the outer layer and reveal what's underneath. Of course, sometimes the results can be quite surprising. If you strip away the veneer of happy domesticity, you may find grief. If you strip away that facade of wealth, you may find self-loathing. If you strip away the veil of helplessness, you may find cruelty.Yes, stripping can be a dangerous pastime.But for a lucky few, it can also be...a lot of fun.

Terry Hatcher: You know what's important about being in a Health Scare? Makes you think about what the important things are.

The world is field with people who do ugly things, why do they do these, some lie to keep them loosing what they love, some lash out because they fear the future, some put up the walls because they have some regrets. Yes, everyone has a reason for the ugly things they do.And once we find out why, then we can try to stop them.

We may think that we left the past behind, but it has a way of catching up to us

Though we wanna run away, we are forced to confront our past. And the secrets that it buried, must come into the light.And then, if we are strong, we are able to move on, yes we need to leave all the past behind and move on toward the future. And if we are lucky, we will have help getting there.

Gabby: Let me tell you something about life, Anything that's worth doing is hard

"Women only have 5 seconds to be young and beautiful and then it's gone, and then before you know it, we're old and fat and married, and wondering where out beauty went."

"It goes by so quickly,in a flash, the life we knew is gone forever, and we're left to ask ourselves, "How could he have left me?", "when did my beauty start to fade?", "Why has my friend changed?", "Was I the best mother I could have been?" Of course, there are some people who understand how quickly time passes, That's why they're so determined to get what they want before it's too late."

"Some others grow and some others grow apart and we find ways to ease the pain."

"You know what's humiliating? waking up one day and finding out you're invisible!"-Gabby

"Bullies, any adult would tell you, the playground is not the only place you would find them, everywhere you look, you can find people unconcerned or unaware of the pain they inflict. It might be a neighbor, preying on a suspicions of her friend, or a daughter, punishing the choices of her mother. Or a housewife, seeking justice from a man who sold her a car. Yes, there are bullies everywhere. And the worst are the ones who take advantage of you, without you ever knowing what they're done."

"If you'll look closely in the faces of your friends, You'll see it. Right behind their smiles, you'll see a certain green-eyed monster, and then you'll understand how envious they are of your well-kept home, your delicious recipes, and your tasteful possessions. But you'll have to work hard to see their jealousy. Because good friends always work hard to hide it."

"If you look closely into the face of those around you, you will catch a glimpse of a certain green eyed monster and then you'll see they envy your career, your love life, the time you spend with their child. How do you deal with such jealousy? There are many ways, but the best, is to simply share what you have. "

"There are dangerous women in this world, some are lovers blind to the consequences of their actions, some are wives in rage by the betrayal of those they trusted other are predators deviously setting traps to get what they want. If you are unlucky enough to come upon one of these dangerous creatures, the safest thing to do is run the other way."

"Desire, it's an emotion designed to lead astray. Causing us to buy things we can't afford, encouraging us to sample desserts we don't need. And pushing us to love affairs we clearly not ready for."

"Desire, it's an emotion designed to lead astray. Persuading those who crave love to make foolish choices, causing those who yearn for family to act out in anger, allowing those who are lonely to behave in reckless ways. And when the pursuit of our heart's desire becomes an obsession, the best we could hope for is a caring friend willing to come along and stop us."

"There are important events in the history of every family, joyous births, tragic deaths, sublime weddings... but the one event every family dreads, is the moment when they finally meet the in-laws!"

"There's a lot you can do with money in the suburbs, you can pay for a night on the town, you can provide a private school education, you can purchase a token of affection, but the one thing you must never do with money, is use it as a weapon. Because someone always gets hurt."

"It begins just after sunrise, after good night's sleep. People leave their homes to go to work. They do this so they can provide a better life for their families, so they can afford nice things and have a reason to get up in the morning. And when their exhausting work is done, People come back home again. And some begin counting the days till their next vacation."

"You should never be too impressed by people with good manners. They're the ones who will give a friendly wave even when they've stole from you, They're the type who sweetly welcome you, even as they try to uncover your secrets. They're the kind to offer you coffee, even as they report you to the police. And don't be too offended by someone who's openly rude, because they may be that way"

"You can always find them almost anywhere, friendly people with hidden agendas. The woman who uses her neighbor to get herself a job, the wife who uses her influences to hire a friendly spy, the husband who uses his charm to steal from his friends. And you can be sure the friendliest people all have agendas that won't ever be discovered, not until it's too late."

"It's not hard to die when you know you have lived"-Eddie

It is in our nature to judge the people around us, if they ignore our wishes, we believe, they are disrespectful, if they don't watch their children, we conclude they are unfit parents, if we catch them cheating, we assume we know their reasons. But what happens when we finally stop for a moment to judge our own lives? It would be painful to step back and see what we've been doing, and be more painful to realize, we have no intention on stopping

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